Today we’re talking about something I call emotional divorce — when you decide your marriage is just too hard and you shut your husband out of your heart.
It’s like closing a sliding glass door. Your husband is still there; you’re still married. But you’re no longer investing emotionally in the relationship.
If you’re married, chances are this has happened at least once. It’s a terrible place to be. But with God’s help, there’s a way out. You need to acknowledge what’s happening and smash that wall between you.
It’s important to pray for your marriage regularly. I’m sharing a special, personal prayer that I pray for our marriage and our children’s marriages every week:
Dear Father,
You have called all twelve of us into marriage. It was Your creation that You might be glorified. Lord, please be protecting our unions. Give to each of us:
- a sweetness of speech
- a desire to work through struggles and stick to it when we’re tempted to flee
- good communication: help us to really listen and consider the other’s view, not presume
- eyes only for each other
- a desire to serve the other
- the discipline to quickly forgive and ask forgiveness
- a sense of how we are fitting together, two being better than one
- a growing thankfulness for one another
- discipline and time to pray together
- more spontaneous laughter
- a growing tenderness
- eyes to recognize how the enemy might try to tear us apart.
Deliver us from:
- taking one another for granted
- failing to appreciate or build up
- from those who would tear apart our marriage
- wandering eyes
- emotional divorce.
Please be adding layers and layers of glue into our unions and melting us into oneness. May our marriages glorify You.
Watch the video below for more insights on how to avoid the pain of emotional divorce.
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