As Holy Week approaches, I’m thinking about donkeys. Strange? Perhaps.
Yet it was a mere donkey that played a major role in the events of Holy Week. As Jesus approached Jerusalem on his way to be crucified he sent 2 of his disciples to a village instructing them that they would find a colt, which no one had ridden, tied at a doorway. They were to untie it and bring it to him. It was to be this donkey that Jesus rode into the city on what we call Palm Sunday. All 4 gospels tell this story about the donkey. In the light of the huge event that was about to take place what was the big deal about a little donkey?
Approximately 500 years earlier Zechariah had predicted that the king would come seated on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9). The gospel of John reminds us of this. It was not a random thing that just happened. It was foretold-just one of the many prophecies that was to be fulfilled surrounding the death of Jesus. In fulfilling this prophecy Jesus adds to our assurance that He was the expected King.
But there is so much more.
Jesus makes a point of telling the disciples this donkey has never been ridden. An unbroken donkey (or colt) is not nice. It would buck like crazy if someone got up on him. It would not react kindly to a blanket being thrown on its back, and the waving of branches would make it very skittish. Yet Jesus subdues this donkey. If Jesus has the power to subdue even an animal, how much more can He subdue me, my children, those around me? His power is specific and complete.
Jesus also tells the disciples how to respond if someone asks why they are taking the donkey. He tells them to say,” The Lord needs it.” As I contemplate this I am reminded that Jesus is a God of detail. He is a God who goes before us to prepare our way. He is not capricious. He has considered the future and prepared for our every contingency. He has thought of everything. He knows what we will need and when and He will provide. I need not fear.
Imagine the owner of the donkey and their friends. What must they have thought? “This man is crazy to want to ride this animal.” What about the disciples? Can’t you just hear them saying, “He wants us to do what? “ Just imagine the people who witnessed this small incident, marveled and perhaps were brought to the place of considering, “Maybe He is the King.” I love the way Jesus involves many people in His work. Life isn’t just about me and my stuff. Whatever He is doing it’s about something so much bigger than I.
And I can‘t help but think about that donkey, a creature of God. Perhaps this dusty, smelly, funny looking creature knew who He was carrying and became subdued. Scripture says that all creation will praise Him. Yes, I suspect He knew. After all He knew Jesus loves animals. And Jesus had chosen him. Jesus loves His creation and takes joy in it.
In this holy season take time to use your imagination, to insert yourself into the story, to wonder what it would have been like, to imagine yourself as one of the characters and in all of this to notice what this story reveals about the character of Jesus and how it applies in your life.
When our children were young we had a tradition of acting out the story of Easter. Each child and adult was given a character to portray. We had to fashion our own costumes with whatever we could find on the spur of the moment around the house- an old red bathrobe for a robe, a broom for a staff. It was hilarious but it was also a way of entering into the story and it provided an opportunity of discussing those feelings and details we so often miss in the familiar big picture. One of the gifts God has given us in being created in His image is the gift of imagination. Let’s use this gift in our own lives this week to contemplate-in a deeper way- His last days and let’s nurture creative imagination in our children’s lives to help them enter into His story, their hope.
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Alejandro says
Thank you for sharing this story about the unbroken donkey. I had heard this story about how difficult it would have been for anyone to ride a colt (unbroken) and how the locals would have been amazed at how Jesus had power over an animal which could not be tamed or too young to be broken. I have heard that it would have been easier for Jesus to ride a bull or even a lion than a colt (donkey). The witnesses in the town would have been amazed at this sight but modern day people are not aware of what was common knowledge at the time. I must have searched for at least 10 different sources before I found yours and I thought I would encourage you to write more about this special colt, in addition to how Abraham also brought a donkey on his 3 day journey to sacrifice his only beloved son. GOD is so wonderful and marvelous to reveal these gems in scripture.
Sam Ferguson says
Loved this blog, Susan! And this was one of my favorite insights: “And I can‘t help but think about that donkey, a creature of God. Perhaps this dusty, smelly, funny looking creature knew who He was carrying and became subdued. Scripture says that all creation will praise Him. Yes, I suspect He knew. After all He knew Jesus loves animals. And Jesus had chosen him. Jesus loves His creation and takes joy in it.”
Yes, even the donkeys, birds, horses and house cats recognize their Maker.
Lisa PaYne says
Susan, thank you for such a beautiful reminder of Gods great love for us. So blessed to have crossed your path on our Women’s Retreat!!!
Wendy Ligon says
Interesting, I’ve never thought of this before. I assumed all donkeys were calm like Eor from Winnie the Pooh. Great observation in the comments about the cross down the back of the donkey!
Wanda says
And don’t forget the fact that a donkey was also particularly mentioned in the trip Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem. Although for Mary’s sake, I hope that one was not a colt.
Dot Andrews says
As many times as I have read and heard the Palm Sunday arrival, I had never thought about a donkey who had never had a passenger however I have been thrown off one when I was 9 years old! I certainly recall he did not want me on his back!!!! What a marvelous image to envision Jesus on the back of a subdued donkey! I love having this brought to my attention Thank you and Blessings-
Susan Yates says
OH Teresa,
I didn’t!!!! That is WAY COOL! Thanks for sharing this!
love, susan
Teresa Dodd says
And did you know God placed a cross on the back of the donkey? There is a black stripe down his back and over his shoulder blades ❤️
Joy says
Love your unique insight and wisdom Susan. Miss you.
Shannon Davis says
Thank you for this new insight I’ve missed all these years. It is definitely something to ponder and be in awe of mighty God’s power. I love how you said, God can subdue the wild donkey and how He has the power to rule our hearts too. I love to see God’s power displyed in my life and the lives of others. Great lesson.
Wardy Thompson says
Susan, Great message as usual. Hope you and John and that small family of yours are well and have a great Easter. We sure miss seeing
you and our great times together at T.C. All is well here. I turned 91 this March and Stella will be90 in May. Still playing golf and tennis but miss T.C. Hope we will see you someday in the near future. Much love to you both. Wardy
Careen Strange says
I needed this word. Thank you, Susan.
Victoria Pope says
Loved this!! Thank you so much Susan!!