Recently my friend Melody and I took a 4-day, 3-night hike on the AT.
We were both exhausted in every way physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and needed a genuine break.
In thinking about our hike I was captured by Psalm 62:1 “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.”
Soul rest. Just what I was after. This became my prayer for our adventure.
With hugs and prayers from our husbands we excitedly and boldly (OK, a little pride too) hit the rocky trail at Ashby Gap Virginia to head 40 miles to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Each of us carried a 40-pound backpack. A hundred yards into the trail I tired to jump from one rock to another and not being used to this much shifting weight on my back I did an amazing face plant on a rock. A very swollen cheek and black eye brought a bit of humility- yes, pride can go before a fall!
Several hours into the hike we hit the dreaded “Roller Coaster.”
Steep up and down hiking for 13 & 1/2 miles over mostly rocky paths. We were later to hear from young “thru hikers” that this is one of the hardest stretches on the entire trail. We didn’t know this then. Late that first afternoon, alone and thoroughly exhausted, in the middle of a steep stretch we were caught in a sudden thunder and lightening downpour and hail. Yes hail, larger than golf balls. Melody still has bumps on her head. Our gut reaction was to laugh hysterically and continue hiking since we were soaked already.
That first night we staggered into a camping area, got our tent up, hung our food up high so bears couldn’t get it, and listened to 2 more inches of rain pound the roof of the tent. It didn’t leak. (We’ll gladly do an add for the manufacturer.)
For 4 days we carried our food on our backs along with our stove, tent, sleeping bags and pads, few clothes, and most importantly a water filter as we got our water from streams.
“I’m not having fun right now,” was a phrase you’d hear every now and then, particularly when we were reduced to all fours on steep inclines. One morning we met 3 snake hunters who by noon had already seen 9 copperheads and 3 rattlesnakes. That was not funny. We stayed away from big boulders per their advice and didn’t have any snake sightings.
Our last night we arrived at a shelter to discover a couple from a nearby town had hiked up carrying a cooler with beverages. They cooked hamburgers and hot dogs as a gift to hikers. We thought we might be hallucinating. Their kindness was such an example and we dubbed them “trail angels.”
We loved the hikers we met along the way. These folks are unusually kind, thoughtful, quiet, and generous with advice and food. Everyone cleans up. You don’t see trash. No one cares who you are, what you do, or what you look like. We all stink. Really. And we all look a mess. (I didn’t even take a brush on the hike). There’s no pretense. We are all equal. And it’s freeing. We are just about the hike, the views, and the experience. The real world is shut out.
In shelters along the way you find trail journals. Hikers assign themselves a trail name so they can keep up with each other. Names like “Bash” or “Hardcore” or “Little Bear.” One name is easier to remember than three Marys or Bobs you meet along the way.
I must say that this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done physically in my entire life but one of the most refreshing things emotionally. There is something so pure, so focused about being in God’s nature. You are working so hard that you have to leave your to-do-list, your plans, and your worries behind. Such freedom. Genuine emotional rest.
Now on some nights I long for our little tent, the absolute silence of the woods, the freedom to simply focus on the next step. Even the pouring rain.
Yes I found Soul Rest.
Another hike is definitely in the plans. We’ve caught the bug. But we have realized that Melody and Susan aren’t cool trail names. So we decided to name each other. Melody dubbed me “Trailblazer” and I call her “Deep Roots.”
You just might find us in a trial log!
Hey Susan, You are so amazing, in the Lord’s strength! Do you need to have a CT scan to check your head after that hard fall? Please take care of yourself! I love reading about your adventures! It’s the next best thing to being there! Thank God and thank you! ♥️
Dear Susan,
I love hearing of your hiking adventures and reflections of the Lord’s presence on the trail in nature and the people you meet! Thank you for sharing the pictures which round it all out.
May we each see His beauty and know His fellowship as we walk in our everyday lives. A trail of life to its fullest, not a trial.
Love to you,
I loved reading this, thanks for sharing your adventure.
This is such a delightful, funny and transparent account — such a fun read! I so love the sense of heart-hunger for the Lord, together with love for people, both long-time friends, and insights gained through new acquaintances. Thanks for posting the stories :).
Wow Susan! What an amazing adventure! Thank you for sharing this…I might have to say you are Army Strong! I think it is so neat that we can find soul rest even when we push our bodies physically! Great job!
Proud of you for ” getting out of your comfort zones”, Susan,and finding soul rest in God’s beauty .Thanks for sharing a few lessons and thoughts ! Love your names !!!!!
Wow Susan! What an amazing adventure! Thank you for sharing this…I might have to say you are Army Strong! I think it is so neat that we can find soul rest even when we push our bodies physically! Great job!
Hi Susan, Did you know that in September/October 2012, I walked the Camino de Santiago from St. Jean Pied de Port, France to Santiago de Compostella, Spain (500 miles)? My pilgrimage was life changing as I believe your experience was too. I’m so proud of you for getting out there and then staying amidst such strenuous circumstances. Isn’t it amazing how hot dogs and hamburgers – something so simple – can be so delectable. It really showed me that the small things are often the most meaningful to God, and that daily bread, something which we take so much for granted, is a true treasure. You go girl!! Love, Martha
You inspire me always! I may just have to put a short hike on the AT on my “bucket list” ,the Lord being my helper!
In His Love.
Impressive- can’t even imagine!! Not sure my knees could take it, but your inspiration continues! I’m particularly glad for no snake encounters…soul refresh time sounds priceless❤️
Way to go Susan!!! That is a tough portion of trail, and is often called the “roller coaster of the AT”!! I hiked the same section after I finished grad school and still tell stories from the experience. I hope you get to hike again soon so you can enjoy being in the quiet of His beautiful creation.
You go now, Susan Yates! Wow! I am just trying to get myself back to the pool! What an inspiration you are forever in my life.
I am so thankful for the true rest you experienced.
Much love,
Thanks Susan,
You are so great to stay in touch.
Love, Susan
Great job Mom! To bad you can’t post pics of ALL your bruises :). Love you and proud of you!
You are the best encourager!
love you, Mom
I love this! Take me next time-sounds like a great challenge!
DO come next time! That would be such fun.
Love, Susan
Way to go Susan! When I was a Girl Scout – probably around 8th or 9th grade – our troop was going to hike for a few days on the AT. Of course we were supposed to train, by breaking in our hiking shoes and carrying an increasingly heavy pack around. But being a teenager, I think I did that once. I was exhausted hiking from the parking lot to our first night’s stop! Praise the Lord, a torrential rain storm hit us and we had to go back home the next morning. I was so relieved! But I also learned to respect the trail! Perhaps one day I will really prepare, but for now it way great to live vicariously through you – shiner and all!
So great to hear from you!!!
Love, Susan
Nice “shiner”, Susan! What an adventure! You and Melody deserve a medal… or at least a hot shower, before you try this again.
Nothing like physical and mental torture to find spiritual rest!
Thanks so much! I took a shower!
love, susan
You bless the McConnells with this great story. Proud of you!
We love you and your family!
Thanks so much.
You are my hero (and always have been)!! Let me know when they have blow dryers on the trail and I’ll join you. 🙂
Thanks Jeanne,
I’m so glad you did that walk with Penelope! She is great fun. We did Italy with her and I’m a few years ago!
Hope to see you soon.
you two are HARDCORE! so impressed…
I just got back from a wonderful week of hiking in the Cotswolds with Penelope Swithinbank and Kris Packard and others.
We had lovely beds and wonderful food prepared by Penelope and friends…so…MUCH cushier…but still refreshing just as you
described…and we stank and were muddy, sometimes wet, and “a mess” but, as we recited to each other at each kissing gate thankful that God made us “so wonderfully complex”. Keep it up!
Thanks so much!!! I will do it again! We should do the Calif Coast together!
Love to you and Ron!
Spiritual comments aside (I’ve been doing a lot of “soul thinking” too), I’m so intrigued by the AT! Have read a few journals, and of course Bill Bryson. I’m proud of and happy for you for taking such a step of courage, faith, outlandish trekking, deep relationship building, and soul filling! Do it again!
Susan, loved reading about your wake-up hike.
Love your trail names, too.
With admiration,
Jan Karon
YOU are my hero!! Thank you so much for reading it and sending this comment. This means so much to me. I’m waiting for your new book!!!
Love, Susan
So great to hear from you!! I still you your books!
hugs to the fan.