Through commitment and creativity, a family can learn not only to love each other but actually like each other as well!
Why dont you ever listen to me? Mom, he said shut up! I dont know where she is. She said shed be home at 11:00.
Sound familiar? Sometimes the home front feels more like a battlefront. Yet its never too late for readers to transform their homes into peaceful places. Through commitment and creativity, a family can learn not only to love each other but actually like each other as well!
Popular author and speaker Susan Alexander Yates candidly reveals proven approaches, home-changing insights, and practical tips for family building, including how to: establish a secure, godly foundation overcome sibling rivalry handle in-law intrusions choose between good and best maintain an attitude of respect celebrate the daily joys of family friendships create friendships in single-parent and blended families
Each chapter includes a relevant Bible verse, focus questions, and activities for family friendship building. This book is also a useful tool for group study and discussion.
(Previously published by Focus on the Family as A House Full of Friends.)